For this year’s display at Keukenhof in the Netehrlands, the teams at JUB Holland, Rijnbeek Perennials and Keukenhof came up with a Bulb Mania Mix for the spring park in Lisse.
The idea was to plant a joint border with a diverse selection of naturalising bulbs and perennials – a striking piece of nature among all the brightly coloured areas full of bulbous flowers characteristic of Keukenhof.
The season is coming to an end and only a few days more to see the Keukenhof gardens now celebrating its 75th anniversary.
Have you been to visit the Keukenhoff? Post a comment below on your experience of visiting the grand tulip display in the Netherlands >>>
Arno Rijnbeek, from Rijnbeek and Son perennials export B.V. explains:
“The Bulb Mania Mix is designed by landscape and garden designer, Carien van Boxtel and planted in close cooperation with Keukenhof designer, Frans Beijk and his team of gardeners. The border offers a natural, meadow-like image within Keukenhof, with an exceptionally long flowering period. While standing here, you notice that visitors really take their time to take a good look at all the special flowers and leaf structures they see here.

“The information board with QR code helps with this, giving visitors more information about the plants they might not immediately expect to see at Keukenhof.
“While most plantings will be removed after Keukenhof closes, the naturalising bulbs and perennials of the Bulb Mania Mix will remain and rebloom next year. Expectedly, even earlier and more profusely than this first season, as the plants are now well established,” he said.
The team of JUB Holland, a participant of Keukenhof since 1949, regularly takes its Dutch and international clients to the gardens during the season.
Robbert Uittenbogaard, Director at JUB Holland, looks back:
“By now, a visit to the park has become a fixed part of our JUB Study Days and is an excellent opportunity to present new ideas such as this mixed border, to start discussions, and to receive feedback. Our relations, and even we ourselves, have been positively surprised by the early flowering, the special leaf textures and the great variety.
“Bulb Mania Mix forms a nice combination with our own Indigo design, which is right next to this border. It offers our customers and Keukenhof visitors inspiration for their own garden and landscape projects. In fact, the first requests for 10-square-metre packages for the Bulb Mania Mix, which we will take on together, have already come in.”

Keukenhof is also looking positively at the new development as designer, Frans Beijk says:
“The border is performing well beyond expectations and quickly gained momentum. It is great to see that almost every week different flowers grab the spotlight within this special mix. In the beginning, it were botanical tulips, euphorbia and mertensia that attracted attention; now it’s the turn of white late daffodils, anemone, camassia and centaurea. There is always something new to see and it keeps surprising. Even the old tree stumps that have found a new use in the border have been planted with fritillaria and hellebores. These have provided many fun photo opportunities. We look forward with interest to the development of this border in the next Keukenhof season.”
The Keukenhof opens for visits in 2025 from Thursday 20 March. More information on visiting and to purchase tickets can be found on the Keukenhof website.
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