Ken is still cutting grass and he’s also up to his old tricks again (!)… Collecting leaves to compost and turn into leaf mould. Hedges and shrubs need cutting back and get the plants ready for the new growth season.
Ken says:
Root vegetable crops are starting to get ready for lifting and bulbs can be planted for spring flowering. November is a great time for tidying up leaves and making compost for the coming season.

0:00 Ken says its a little warmer than he would expect
0:36 Cutting lawns right through the winter
1:11 Leaves need to be removed as they can damage the lawn
1:38 Tulip bulbs can still be planted
1:53 Prune hedges such as thuja and deciduous shrubs
2:26 Plant shrubs with berries to help bird in the future
2:37 Lift parsnips as there has been some cool weather
2:44 Carrots can be lifted along with keeping lettuce growing 3:00 Dead head roses and cut back herbaceous perennial
Ken offers some advice on what to do in the garden this month and suggests putting down a mulch.
0:00 Ken has stripped out the old tomato plants
0:32 Green tomatoes have been picked ready for chutney making 0:49 Ken is training his young apricot tree
1:10 Hydrangeas where to dead head or not? Personal preference
1:27 Now is not the time to prune hydrangeas – only take the heads
1:56 Use compost or bark as a mulch to protect the soil
2:27 Autumn crocus might still be available to buy for planting and flowering next year
2:51 As the nights get longer and cooler consider feeding birds
3:02 Houseplants need light and no feeding as winter comes
3:19 Lawns need a feed during the autumn and early winter 3:46 Raise the level of the grass cut, if still mowing

Ken Crowther looks at how to use leaf mould in your garden. It’s a free and easy way to create new soil for your plants.
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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