Ken is back out in the garden again and says make sure you feed the birds during winter.
Ken says:
A pause for reflection on the gardening year is allowed around the festive period and usually the cold weather makes gardening difficult. However, get planning for the coming year and order those seeds.

0:00 Ken remembers Peter Seabrook liked to get out digging on boxing day
0:49 Birds need feeding
1:10 Add a small ball to your pond to prevent it icing over
1:22 Collect rose buds for indoor colour
1:31 Flowering cherries and Chaenomeles (Chinese Quince) or forsythia if cut 3 to 4 days before Christmas
Ken Crowther looks at jobs for the garden during the winter months.
0:00 More jobs in the garden 0:31 Ken is with a trachelospermum and give some tips on plant care
0:52 Roses can be cut for Christmas around 3 to 4 days before the big day
1:31 Cut roses back by around a third, if they’re too tall
2:04 Don’t mow mushrooms on a lawn as they’ll spread the spores
2:15 Christmas tree is like a bunch of flowers and needs water
2:59 Ken’s favourite is hyacinths for Christmas

Ken gives some gardening tips and advice on agapanthus and care of plants over wintering in pots.

0:00 Agapanthus are not as hardy as a gardener would like 0:16 If the root gets frost then the plant will fall apart
0:34 Ken has pulled a lot of the dead yellow leaf away
1:02 If cold and frosty weather comes in, then the pot will need wrapping with bubble wrap and fleece
How to look after a real pine Christmas tree.
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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