Ken’s job for the garden during May.
Ken says:
This is the busiest month for gardeners with the warmer weather usually signalling a flurry of activity on planting vegetables and bedding plants. Make sure you have water butts around the garden to reduce use of a hose pipe for watering. Plants prefer rain water to tap.

0:00 Chelsea Flower Show is the big highlight of the month
0:44 These showcase gardens do give lots of great ideas for your own garden
1:05 A good time to plant out bedding plants
1:20 Look for good quality bedding plants
1:25 If they’re in bud – don’t worry
1:32 When planting add a small among of base slow-release compost to allow for continuous feed for the plant
1:52 Plant close together and make sure you plant a cluster of single colours for effect
2:09 Roses are starting to bloom and look out for black spot
2:36 Dead head and roses will continue to produce lots of new growth
2:46 Watch out for aphids on vegetables and blackfly on broad beans
2:54 Ken uses a safer spray, although you can use a hose to wash them off
3:22 Good time to get lots of vegetables in the ground, leeks, beetroots anything really!
3:32 Get kids involved in gardening
3:46 Teach them how to water
3:57 Keep cutting lawns
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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