A few ideas of what to do in the garden during June with Ken Crowther.
Ken says:
Keeping on top of small jobs like weeding and dead heading can help to make your summer garden stay at its best.

0:00 Climbing roses are in full bloom at this time of the year
0:31 Dead heading roses can help encourage more growth and better blooms
0:38 If the plant is growing too tall then go down and prune lower for more branches and new blooms
0:50 Black spot is a real problem for roses
1:07 Liquid of granular feeds for roses is worth doing at this time
1:18 Lawns can be fed during this month and a liquid feed would be better for dry conditions
1:51 Get out there and plant annuals and get some summer colour
2:00 Make some hanging baskets to put up
2:09 Look out for weeds and hoe off in dry weather as they’ll die once left on the surface
2:36 In wetter areas you will need to remove the weed from the surface otherwise it may re-root
Columbine (Aquilegia), iris, lupine (Lupinus), and dwarf red-hot poker (Kniphofia triangularis) make a wonderful show in this bed, but it’s important to keep a lookout for lupine aphid and deal with it before it causes permanent damage.
But first, a quick tip for keeping the grass seed out of your beds after edging.
If you’re an Apricot grower, remember to train new growth because it’s from here that buds will form next year which will, hopefully, turn into fruit for your table.
Lavender, cat mint or nip (Nepeta), annabelle (Hydrangea arborescnes), Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) and a shrub rose combine to really set off this border.
Lavender makes a great addition to any border by attracting bees and other pollinators to the garden, so if you can find a space and fit some in.
To keep your climbing roses and shrub roses looking at their best, remember to deadhead them as the season progresses.
And whilst you’re doing that, remember to keep on the lookout for aphids, black spot, and other pests, and treat them as soon as you can to keep your rose in tip-top condition.
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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