Mystery houseplant ID
Q: I wonder if you could spare the time to identify a plant please? It is in our friends conservatory, left by a previous owner and our friends intend to re-pot it and try to brighten it up a bit. They bought a larger pot and will keep it in the same room, but to start with we have no idea which type of potting compost or soil to use. So, I thought Ken Crowther would know and I took a couple of photos and I hope you can help. Also wouldn’t know if the brown was dryness or over watering. Sue from Colchester.
A: I think it could be a cut-leaf philodendron. You would never re-pot any houseplants at this time of the year (October) due to the low-light levels which are necessary for the plant to be induced into more growth and thus encourage root activity. Spring is always the best time [around April] when light-levels have increased.
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