Ken gives some tips on what to do with your flower beds at this time of year.
Ken says:
March is often the calm before the storm of planting out in April. Making sure that beds are tidy and plants are well cared for is vital at this time of the year.

0:00 Ken says that sedums are starting to come through
0:28 Hellebores in flower can sometimes have grotty leaves – these can be removed without damaging the plant
0:38 Sarcococca is starting to bloom and is fragrant
0:57 Cutting back ornamental grasses – such as miscanthus – to make beds look tidy
1:16 Also cut back hydrangeas like annabelle or incrediball to encourage basal growth
1:49 Ken’s pruned a few roses too
1:59 Watch for shooting bulbs when carrying out work, so as not to squash them!
Ken Crowther looks at pruning hydrangea and ornamental grasses in the garden during March.
0:00 Ken’s started to cut back ornamental grasses [Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ known as Chinese fountain grass]
0:35 Cutting back hydrangea annabelle
0:59 Through out the bed there is verbena bonariensis to give height
1:23 Ken will give a mulch and soil improver to boost the beds
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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