Ken Crowther looks at garden jobs for February.
Ken says:
Preparations for the new growing season continue into this month. Start propagating seedlings indoors and take a look at the videos below for more jobs in the garden.

0:00 Ken is part way through digging his garden over
0:23 Pruning deciduous shrubs takes place during February
0:39 Prunus shrubs are left till later in the year when the sap is rising to prevent disease getting into the plants
0:50 Ken has an azalea coming into bud
1:05 Forced bulbs in a greenhouse or cold frame start to acclimatising the plants to the weather
1:26 Rhubarb forcing with old buckets is worth doing
2:00 Ken says look at what is flowering such as some of the daphnes, cornus midwinter fire and hamamelis mollis.
2:34 Ken says visiting garden centres to plan ahead for colour next year is important at this time
2:58 Indoor plants need misting to get them moist
3:11 Make sure you dead head properly particularly flowering cyclamen
3:20 Remove the full stem of cyclamen at the base to prevent rotting
A short video from Ken about some brambles that he’s clearing.
0:00 Clearing brambles along the edge of a field
0:21 Doesn’t mean clear everything leave blackthorn, quickthorn and wild roses, along with any trees such as oak growing up
0:58 Consider wildlife in hedging – so rake first
2:11 Ken will be picking the slows!
Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.
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