Jobs in the garden for January

A robin sat on a fence with ivy growing around.

Ken is thinking whether or not to get out and do some jobs in the garden!

Ken says:

January is NOT a quiet month to put your feet up! Make plans and order seeds. The success of your garden is based on the preparations you make during these winter months.

Ken Crowther.

0:00 Frost on the ground – don’t walk on the lawn
0:37 Remove bramble from hedgerows
0:58 Deal with ivy in trees
1:27 Look after ponds during icy weather
1:40 Go to your local garden centre and make plans!

Ken Crowther gives some ideas of things to do in your garden during January 2024.

Spur-bearing trees have more fruit buds per length of branch than do tip-bearing trees. The trees also tend to be shorter in height and have shorter branches that are slower growing.

0:00 Mow your lawn all year, but only if the ground is dry
0:30 Dig over your vegetable plot – weather dependant
1:28 Look at seed catalogues and decide on what plants and seeds you are going to plant
1:47 Fruit tree pruning, but no stone-fruit trees as disease can enter the tree at this time of year
2:20 Spur-bearing trees are easier to prune and cutting back can encourage more buds says Ken
2:49 Reduce roses by around a third to prevent wind rot

An espalier trained apple tree in bloom.

Ken has some more planting ideas and says it’s important to feed the birds and make sure that ponds don’t ice over.

Nepeta known as 'catnip'.

0:00 Robins are causing a problem by going in the shed! 0:40 Weather has been icy – make sure birds are fed and have access to water
1:28 Cotoneaster, pyracantha and sorbus aucuparia (Mountain ash, rowan) all produce berries to feed the birds
1:55 Ken has been cutting back in herbaceous border
2:06 Ken is cutting back nepeta (catnip)
2:48 Ponds need to keep from completely icing over
3:00 Fountains and waterfalls should be turned off
3:06 Don’t feed fish if they’re showing up near the surface – as they should be down deep

Ken looks at jobs for the garden in January.

0:00 Digging out ornamental grasses
0:21 Box moth has got some of the box hedge plants
1:30 Plan and prepare areas for future planting
2:05 Soon time to cut the ornamental grasses back – Ken looks at pampas grass

Purple fountain grass.

Let Ken Crowther help you with gardening tips and advice, – send him a question for his live show broadcast every third Sunday of the month. WhatsApp pictures and text to +44 7568 771825 to get an answer.

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