The Alpine Garden Society (AGS)’s first Early Spring Show and Plant Fair last year at Chelmsford City Racecourse was a huge success.
The show will return on Saturday 01 March 2025 and more details on visiting the show can be found below.
Did you go last year? Post a comment below and tell us what you thought of the show >>>
Ken Crowther spoke to Ray Drew about the forthcoming show in Essex.
Superb alpine plants will be on display, as part of the National AGS Show, with exquisite & often rare exhibits grown by AGS members drawn from across the country in friendly competition against one another for the Best in Show award and the coveted Farrer Medal. This year, we have an additional display of beautiful bonsai trees, presented by the Southend Bonsai Society.
Other plant societies at the event include the Hardy Orchid Society, Essex Hardy Plant Society, Essex Plant Heritage, the Hebe Society, the Southend Group of the British Cactus & Succulent Society and the National Garden Scheme.
Visitors can put gardening and alpine-plant related queries to a panel of gardening and alpine-growing experts drawn from the RHS Alpine and Rock Garden Expert group during a gardener’s question time forum. Diane Clement of the AGS will be giving a talk on Alpines in the wild & in cultivation. Razvan Chisu also of the AGS will give a demonstration of trough & container planting.
Entrance details and how to find the venue
The Plant Fair will be open 09.30am–3.30pm on Saturday 01 March 2025, with the Alpine Garden Society National Show open from 11.00am; entrance is £8 (free to AGS members) and ample free parking is available on-site.
For more information on the event click here and details on Chelmsford City Racecourse can be found here.
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