The Old Vicarage, East Ruston, Norfolk

Alan Gray with Ken Crowther at the Old Vicarage gardens in Norfolk.

Ken went to visit the Old Vicarage at East Ruston, Norfolk, to see the garden created by Alan Gray.

The gardens expanded from 2 acres in 1989 with the purchase of additional land and gardening at scale began to form the core of these specular gardens.

Ken says:

Everywhere you go in this garden is a vista for you to take in.

There are many varied planting schemes such as the Desert Wash garden full of plants able to thrive with little or no watering (Part 3 of the audio tour, below, for this garden).

Ken says:

Close to the house the containers which adorn the terraces are all planted in a theme. All this requires lots of watering.

Alan claims the best way to water is by hand which he does with a watering can, – two gallons or four gallons (depending on the tub size) – that way you know how much water each container is getting. Don’t forget a good liquid feed weekly.

Have you been to the Old Vicarage in Norfolk? Post a comment below and tell us what planting you most enjoyed whilst at the gardens >>>

Ken takes listeners on a short tour around some of the Old Vicarage with Alan Gray.

For more information on visiting the Old Vicarage gardens click here.

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We’re delighted to have Gro-rite Horticulture sponsoring World Radio Gardening, find out about automatic pot watering systems available for mail order delivery.

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