Christmas Advent calendar – Grazers sprays


Grazers’ range of sprays promote a plant’s natural defences against a range of common pests and can be used proactively and regularly to get ahead of many garden insects like slugs and cabbage white butterflies.

Grazers is the totally wildlife friendly spray that works by making the plant taste ‘bitter’ and unappealing for the pests to eat, – so they look elsewhere for their food.

Buy online today at

Grazers is totally safe for people, pets, plants and planet and is also effective against more unusual pest damage from around the world – Such as possums and wild parrots!

Fortify your plants natural defences against EXPECTED damage and program their resistance to pests with Grazers.

If you would like to be part of our Christmas Advent calendar then get in-touch now and book a slot for your business or product.

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