Q: My large white heather bush has developed quite large patches of brown – the rest of the bush looks healthy and is flowering. Can you help? thanks, Lynne.
A: Have you got a cat or dog who may have relieved themselves on it, – or it could be a fox. That’s what it sounds like has happened to me.
Q: Thanks for answering. Yes, I have two dogs who use a bit of the patio area, which is washed down near to the heather bush. I do try not to let any of the water get near it. Also, during the very wet spell my patio and gravel garden were flooded. Should I remove the dead looking stems out of the bush or leave it alone and see what happens. By the way enjoy your show.
A: You should leave it alone at present for around 3-weeks and then prune out if no shoots come from the base of the dead-looking branches.
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