All about irises

An iris bloom in a garden.

The iris collection at Woottens of Wenhaston in Suffolk is under the watchful eye of field manager and iris specialist, Gillian Morris.

The nursery is a specialist grower for growing irises, pelargoniums, primula auriculas and hemerocallis and has more than 300 different bearded irises and many other iris species including Iris sibirica, Iris spuria, Iris reticulata and Iris versicolor.

Iris breeders are working to develop better varieties, but in doing so they have changed the shape of the flower as Gillian explained to Ken Crowther.

More information on Woottens of Wenhaston in Suffolk is available online by clicking here.

Growing and developing irises (2016)

The Cayeux family have been growing irises since the end of the 19th century at their nursery along the Loire near Orléans in France.

Richard Cayeux’s great grandfather was very interested in growing irises due to the wide variety of colours and how easy they are to grow as he explained to Ken Crowther.

More information on Iris Cayeux is available online by clicking here.

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