W.H. Marriage and Sons, the flour milling company, has been in Chelmsford since 1824.
James Marriage is the sixth generation to be milling in Chelmsford. He says the majority of the mill’s wheat comes from within a 30-mile radius of the Essex city.
He explained to Ken Crowther how the company has developed over its nearly 200 year history.
Pandemic demand increase
COVID-19 produced a boom in flour for baking with grocery sales of flour up 92% in the four weeks to 22 March 2020 compared to the same period the previous year, according to consumer analysts Kantar.
Marriage’s saw a similar upswing in sales and extra hours were added to run the mill in Chelmsford and miller working 24 hours a day. The company suspended it’s online shop for a period in the early part of the pandemic to allow for home baking orders already received to be processed.
Lockdown increased the profile of the £25m business as consumers searched for flour to bake cakes with and local supplies were more secure than imports.
To buy Marriage’s flour online visit their website by clicking here.
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