Q: Dear Ken, where we live there are four houses surrounding a large natural pond over which we have joint responsibility. A few years ago we planted waterlillies which have spread in an impressive fashion. Unfortunately, last year the leaves grew to significant proportions and the hundred flowers ended up hidden behind them. Have you any idea why this is or what could be done to curtail the process so we can benefit from the blooms? Thanks, John Talman from East Bergholt
A: Hi, Ken Crowther has passed me your email about the waterlilies. I think the description you give is when the leaves stand upright from the water instead of laying flat. Generally this is a sign the lily crown has become overgrown and the solution is to lift the lilies and split them into smaller plants, which should solve the problem. Best time to do it? Now (May)! Afraid you’ll need to get your waders out. Kind regards, Bernice Brewster, Aquatic Consultancy.
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